Sapphire is a sweet, loving girl that thrives being around people all of the time and loves to run alongside and play with other dogs. Due to prior trauma her right hip was shattered and healed over. Per the orthopedic specialist because she is still developing it is best to continue having her stretch and use that leg as much as possible. At this time if she continues to develop properly and unhindered an amputation will not be needed. Sapphire has been doing well with potty training. Like most puppies she would prefer to be outside of the kennel. Despite having prior trauma she is outgoing and confident. Sapphire needs an owner who is willing to accept her previous trauma and give her the love she deserves. She is a happy outgoing girl hoping for a second chance at life with people who will love her.
Good With Dogs:
Good With Cats:
Staffordshire terrier mix
Good With Kids:
Special Needs:
Recent Trauma- healed shattered hip, small limp
30 lbs
6 months